The SCHS Robotics Team was started in 2003. Generally each team consists of four members.
the fewer the amount of members the more each member gets to work on the robot. Our
Regional competitions used to be in Clinton Township at a Macomb Intermediate School but
in 2006 the St. Clair County R.E.S.A. opened up a competition room. So this year at the
Regional competion -SCHS Robotics- placed first and -SCHS Robotics 2- placed in second.
This year the two teams advanced from the regional competition and went on to the World
Robofest. This year Team -SCHS Robotic- placed 11th overall. The other team -SCHS Robotics 2-
placed right under them in a close 12th. Both teams did very well this year and hope to
progress in the next year.